// ============================================================ // BEGIN pageview counter // Please talk to User:LeonWeber before changing anything or // if there are any issues with that. // this should be adjusted to a good value. // BE CAREFULL, you will break zedler if it's too low! // And then DaB. will kill Leon :-( var disable_counter = 0; var counter_factor = 600; function pgcounter_setup() { if(disable_counter == 0) { var url = window.location.href; if(Math.floor(Math.random()*counter_factor)==42) // the probability thing { if(wgIsArticle==true || wgArticleId==0) // do not count history pages etc. { var pgcountNs = wgCanonicalNamespace; if(wgCanonicalNamespace=="") { pgcountNs = "0"; } var cnt_url = "http://pgcount.wikimedia.de/index.png?ns=" + pgcountNs + "&title=" + encodeURI(wgTitle) + "&factor=" + counter_factor + "&wiki=dewiki"; var img = new Image(); img.src = cnt_url; } } } } // Do not use aOnloadFunctions[aOnloadFunctions.length] = pgcounter_setup;, some browsers don't like that. pgcounter_setup(); // END pageview counter // ============================================================